Critical Damping Ratio to Ensure Design Efficiency and Stability of LCL Filters

Critical Damping Ratio to Ensure Design Efficiency and Stability of LCL Filters The resonance of LCL filter gives challenge to the control stability of LCL-filter-based converter systems. To suppress the filter resonance, damping methods are widely adopted. Nevertheless, the determination of damping parameters for LCL filters can be vague, insufficient or excessive, because the filter […]

Low-Frequency Oscillation in Electric Railway Depot: A Comprehensive Review

The wide adoption of a new type of electric trains results in multiple frequency-scale instability problems, such as low-frequency oscillation (LFO), harmonic resonance, and harmonic instability. Among them, LFO has been commonly reported at electric railway depots with multiple-energized electric trains around the whole world, thus attracting widespread research attention. LFOs cause adverse effects on […]